Wednesday, January 2, 2008

religion in school

should religion be taught in school?

i think that religion shouldn't be taught in school because a lot of people have different religions and it wouldn't be fair to everyone. i think the only school that it should be taught in is if you go to a catholic school. because you went there for a specific religion. but in public or charter schools, it shouldn't be taught. to many people can be offended and religion is more opinion then actual facts. so when you teach the facts and religion it can confuse people into believing a certain religion. it also causes unnessasary drama between schools and parents and students. people get very strongly opinionated when it comes to their religion and they hate when people tell them what to believe or do. some people dont want their children to be taught a religion. and how could you pick one certain religion to teach about in school. if you teach one then you have to teach all of them.  i think that your parents and your church can teach you about religion and that should stay at home. if you bring it to your school then you can make bigger problems then needed. it doesnt matter what god you pray to or what holidays you celebrate. all that matters is learning what needs to be taught at school. as long as you are learning what you need to, religion doesn't need to be brought up. it causes way to many problems.

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